Publication Archives

A selection of Bridget’s publications are listed below.


Planning Curses

How to deliver long-term investment in infrastructure – Policy Exchange

Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation

II Edition, University of Brescia, Italy, October 5-6, 2006

Managing Complexity in Projects and Programmes

Looking at the challenge of managing complexity.  I concentrate on identifying the forms that complexity may take and in doing so how to manage, control our perhaps outwit it.  Bridget introduce a taxonomy which can be used and a set of potential reactions to its identification.

Innovation, Diffusion, and Agglomeration

(Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Vol. 18 Numbers 7 & 8)

Building Bridges: a study of the long term economic impact of bridges over the Thames from the middle ages to the present day.

Innovation, Trade and Connectivity

(Manchester Independent Economic Review)

Inflation/Unemployment Regimes and the Instability of the Phillips Curve

2020 Welfare: Life, Work, Locality

(2020 Public Services Trust Commission)

A consideration of public services in 2020 which ignored welfare spending would be like weeding the garden while the house was burning down.