A selection of Bridget’s publications are listed below.
How to deliver long-term investment in infrastructure – Policy Exchange
II Edition, University of Brescia, Italy, October 5-6, 2006
Looking at the challenge of managing complexity. I concentrate on identifying the forms that complexity may take and in doing so how to manage, control our perhaps outwit it. Bridget introduce a taxonomy which can be used and a set of potential reactions to its identification.
(Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Vol. 18 Numbers 7 & 8)
Building Bridges: a study of the long term economic impact of bridges over the Thames from the middle ages to the present day.
(Manchester Independent Economic Review)
Inflation/Unemployment Regimes and the Instability of the Phillips Curve
(2020 Public Services Trust Commission)
A consideration of public services in 2020 which ignored welfare spending would be like weeding the garden while the house was burning down.
(Opportunities in the age of Austerity, IPPR)
(Urban Land Institute Journal, July 2009)